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Did you know that Inside Scoop has vegan sorbets? They're goooood!
Inside Scoop KL
9, Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur
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VeggieExpress, Sunway Pyramid. 价钱总共是: RM56. 它们的Sushi Popiah .. see more
Veggie Express
179 jalan bukit bintang, kuala lumpur,, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
0 5 0
印尼,椰加達素食,有印尼风味与中西歺.好吃。。。(感谢素友的分享) Dharma Kitchen Vegetarian .. see more
2 5 0
A hidden gem in Publika, this vegetarian restaurant offers mixed rice, ala carte and Chinese dishes at very reasonable prices in a.. see more
Tze Ern, Publika
Kuala Lumpur
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#砂煲藥材素菇茶# 付食譜 眾所皆知,吧生聞名肉骨茶。小時候幾乎每個週末都跟著爸爸到慣用店家報到,所以從小就對這一道有著.. see more
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發現白髮迅速增加,只好乖乖服食黑芝麻。也樂於在此跟大家分享黑芝麻的益處。   黑芝麻是我們熟知的一種食物,很多人都知道它.. see more
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Most Totoro Onigiri recipes will ask you to use cheese but I found an alternative to keep it vegan :)
Raw Chef Yin
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吾愛😊我的媽咪 是晴是雨,都有我們在都有我們愛 今早的月華就把這一份愛加在小小米漿裡,給媽媽喝了暖胃暖身也暖心 食材有斑.. see more
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租金昂贵的旅游胜地云顶又有素食了~ Vegetarian Friendly 荤店有素 QiQi Taiwan Snack.. see more
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Prepare for #VEGANMONDAY as Casa Latina serve you healthy dishes and certified vegan food. Vegan sayings: When you adopt a vegan .. see more
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#VEGETARIANTHURSDAYS is back! Have you tried quesadillas with broccoli? if not, come on try and you'll see :P Good vibes, good La.. see more
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Restoran Ke Ren Lai 客人来美食中心 换了新的咖啡店招牌 *还没拍到档口照,之后补上 *面食类RM5... see more
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