早上好,连夜雨冷嗖嗖,送了娃儿去幼稚园回家马上煮碗姜蛋面线汤暖和暖和。加入亲戚自酿的龙眼酒,汤好好喝呀😋 see more
Sweet potato with Ice cream, mushroom egg rice, rose hot milk

Malaysia's first vegetarian cocktail bar! And oh, it's also KL's first Vermouth bar! Ethics aside, cocktails and food are fab and .. see more
Nice Vegetarian wantan mee in the Canteen of temple
假期,月華廚房亮燈依舊 因為🤗 擇己所愛就要用心,擇己所好就要堅持 對人對事莫忘初心,堅持到底不給遺憾 今早,做了八隻斑.. see more
達啦🤗 帶阿妹來M記吃菜漢堡!! 4.9!!買一送一啊 吃肉的阿妹第一次吃菜漢堡😂眼睛bling bling說不錯的味道.. see more
【素食无蛋/纯素甜点】 Minnie dessert bar~ ❤米妮双层翻糖旦糕 ❤米妮鲜奶油造型旦糕 ❤米妮糖霜饼干.. see more
今日晚餐吃西餐,美味的意大利面~😋 偶尔吃素料,炸薯条,平衡一下自己~😄 消化完就要做运动了~💪🏾 今天运动以plank.. see more