今日晚餐吃西餐,美味的意大利面~😋 偶尔吃素料,炸薯条,平衡一下自己~😄 消化完就要做运动了~💪🏾 今天运动以plank.. see more
McDonald’s Veggie Double Burger Buy 1 Free 1 = RM7.50 買到了! .. see more
Here's a free raw vegan recipe from me. If you don't have a dehydrator, feel free to use an oven to bake it instead. Recipe: https.. see more
今早目揪拔不開,迷迷糊糊做糕點 蒸了椰香糯米斑斕蝶豆花糕 再順便把多的椰油糯米飯稍微捏球狀,擺上芒果丁成另一道甜點 又興.. see more
滑蛋河好好吃,素咖喱羊肉饭不像我一般吃的素咖喱羊肉味,还是很感恩欢喜的午餐🙇🏻 see more
Tomato fried rice and black bean lotus root soup. 🙂 #ilikecolourfuldishes
Vegetarian Nasi Lemak and my favourite drink (Mocha Praline) :D at two different location