各位素友晚安,不知道大家今天 (23/3) 看了中國報的副刊報導嗎? 裡面有關於小店的食物、飲料和概念的詳細介紹喔 :.. see more
Vietnamese cuisine😋 Not in the menu. You gotta ask for veget.. see more
My all time fav Sauna Mee😋
Craving for Eggless Fried Carrot cake in Singapore? Come try.. see more
McVeggie Buy 1 Free 1 :)
Bittergourd braised in rich vegetable soup, along with tofu, bamboo fungus and rice vermicilli. The soup is quite similar to my mu.. see more
很多人都在吃McVeggie,原来Burger King静悄悄早都已经有了 Veggie Burger(不要问有没有五辛.. see more
因為有promotion,今天終於試吃了這個,口感味道本來是不錯,我也不介意有 onion, 只是感覺有點辣,自己吃不了.. see more