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Roasted Tomato Soup / Sauce
1 Hr 4 Mins
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Secret Ingredients
  • 4 lbs vine-ripened tomatoes
  • 8 -10 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • Fresh oregano (or both) or fresh basil (or both)
  • 1 cup half-and-half cream (the amount is arbitrary, taste and use the amount that is right for you) (optional)
  1. Cut tomatoes in half; squeeze gently over the sink to get rid of excess water and seeds; dump in a baking pan; dribble with olive oil and scatter a whole bunch of whole garlic cloves in and roast, at about 400F until the tomatoes are slightly charred in places and fully baked. If you want, you can just pick off the tomato skins and discard. I usually just puree the lot.
  2. I will often stir some fresh oregano and/or basil in about halfway through this process. When done, puree this roasted tomato mess and add some half and half (how much you want to use depends entirely on you - sometimes you want a pure tomato flavour, other times, it may be too much of a good thing and you may want a creamier, less-pronounced taste).
  3. Season to taste, using LOTS of freshly-cracked pepper. The most awesome roasted tomato soup ever.
  4. Note: The tomato-mess, without the addition of the half and half, is a good base for many recipes calling for tomato sauce. Or add the cream and use to toss with freshly-cooked pasta.
  5. Second Note: If you like a thinner soup, use hot broth or even water to bring it to the desired consistency. Check seasoning.
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