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Low Fat Sweet Potato And Chickpea Cakes (Vegetarian Too!)
45 Mins
Diet Restriction
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Secret Ingredients
  • 18 ounces sweet potatoes
  • 15 ounces chickpeas
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1/2 cup fresh coriander
  • 4 tablespoons fat-free parmesan cheese
  • Cooking spray
  1. PLACE sweet potatoes on paper towel and place in microwave (About 3 very large); COOL slightly.
  2. COOK until done (About 25 minutes).
  3. Finely DICE shallot and coriander.
  4. DRAIN canned chickpeas and MASH in bowl.
  5. COMBINE chickpeas, shallot, 2 tbsp parmesan and coriander.
  6. SCOOP out cooked sweet potato and MASH.
  7. ADD to chikpeas, shallot and corainder and blend thoroughly.
  8. BLEND in 2 tbsp flour into mixture and form patties (Makes about 8 - 10 patties).
  9. Place additional 2 tbsp of parmesan on a flat plate or surface and dip patties onto cheese(both sides).
  10. PLACE patties on baking paper lined pan and LIGHTLY spray with cooking oil.
  11. BAKE 30 to 35 minutes.
  12. NOTE: Can use fat-free cooking spray.
  13. NOTE: Make sure to make several holes in the sweet potato before putting in microwave; also helps to turn sweet potato over once or twice to ensure even cooking.
  14. Based on size, I do mine 20 minutes on high, then turn them over for 20 minutes and test; if not done, I do another 10 minutes each side or 5 minutes each size depending on size; You will know it is done when the whole sweet potato is soft; Can use tongs to squeeze -- I use my hands to test:) Hope this helpful hint helps!
  15. If no microwave, cook sweet potato in 350 F / 180 C degree oven for about an hour.
  16. NOTE: I served it with Golden Door Chilli -- 300g chillis, 2 tbsp apple cider, 2 tbsp tamari combined in food processor.
  17. NOTE: If can't find fat-free parmesan, use lowest fat parmesan can find.
  18. NOTE: Is ok if chickpeas are a little lumpy, but try and get them mashed as much as you can with a fork.
  19. ENJOY!
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